Cruz Azul, Rayados draw 1-1 in Estadio Azteca

Cruz Azul and Rayados split points after playing a not-so-pleasant first half in Estadio Azteca.

Los Cementeros were able to maintain a higher possession of the ball in the first few minutes of the game, leading up to a shot on goal by Elías Hernández at the 12th minute. Marcelo Barovero was able to deflect the shot but the rebound landed at the feet of Jonathan Rodríguez who sent the ball flying above the net.

Neither team showed clarity during the first half and left to the locker rooms boo’ed by the fans present at the stadium.

All of the action came in the second half of the game. Both teams walked back on the field with the same 11 men.

After several attempts by La Maquina, the first goal of the night came at the 66th minute off a header by Pablo Aguilar following a corner kick.

Rayados responded at the 74th minute, tying up the game on their first shot on goal. A cross by Jesus Gallardo was received by Vincent Janssen who was in between two defenders and a few steps away from the goal. A simple redirection sent the ball into the back of the net for the Dutchman’s first goal with Rayados.

Cruz Azul will face Pachuca next at Estadio Hidalgo, while Rayados will take on Tigres UANL in El Clasico Regio on Saturday.

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