Real Betis outshined by FC Barcelona in Camp Nou

Andres Guardado and Diego Lainez played with Real Betis against a Messi-less FC Barcelona, who didn’t fail to impress as Antoine Griezmann took lead and helped gain a 5-2 victory at home.

Betis hit the net first after a poor pass from Barcelona in the midfield during the 15th minute. Loren Moron saw Nabil Fekir sneaking behind Barca’s defensive line on the right side of the penalty area, where Fekir took a left shot for the first goal of the game.

After numerous chances on goal from Barcelona, Antoine Grizmann appeared with his first goal of the season in the 41st minute to equalize before the end of the first half.

The Blagraunas showed a higher level of playing in the second half, sealing the game in ten minutes. Grizmann scored a beauty in the 50th minute where he curved the ball from the far left side of the penalty box.

Six minutes later, Carles Perez, also scored his first goal with Barcelona after rebounds inside the penalty area and took a smooth ground shot that was too fast for the goalie to stop. Jordi Alba scored the fourth goal for his team after an assist from Sergio Busquets, where a tired Andres Guardado was substituted off to strengthen Betis midfield.

Diego Lainez came in the 75th minute but was unable to show anything special to help his team.

Arturo Vidal joined the scoreboard in the 77th minute after a great assist from Griezmann and put the ball into the right corner of the goal, scoring the final goal for Barcelona.

Betis still had one more goal to add before the end of the game where Loren Moron with a thunderous strike outside the box but not enough to create more damage.

Real Betis will return home and face Leganes, hoping to gain their first victory in La Liga.

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