Santos falls to Atlas in Guadalajara

After a long time of bad results in the Mexican Tournament, Atlas defeated Santos 1-0 in the second game of the 12th round of the 2019 Clausura with a goal scored by Jesús Isijara.

The match didn’t have much emotional action until the 37th minute. Atlas goalkeeper José Hernández got in the way of a cross from by Javier Correa that made its way into the small box, but Julio Furch nor Bryan Garnica were able to get a shot on goal on a ball that was ultimately cleared by the Atlas’ defense.

Three minutes later, Diego Valdés assisted Correa but the goalkeeper Hernández blocked the shot made by the Argentinian.At the beginning of the second half, after a free kick, Juan Pablo Vigón controlled the ball in the goal box, but he had his shot deviated, and Atlas was unable to score the first goal.

In the 55th minute, Jesús Isijara dribbled the ball close to the baseline and made a pass inside the small box, but Osvaldo Martínez did not take advantage of the play as the Paraguayan’s shot went wide of the left post. Six minutes later, Ismael Govea sent a ball to Juan Vigón, but his shot from inside the penalty box went over the crossbar.

Just 20 minutes before the end of the match, Isijara passed the ball to Facundo Barceló, and the striker connected a header towards the goal but Jonathan Orozco blocked the shot and denied the first goal of the match.In the 84th minute, Jesús Isijara, who was the most active man of the match, found the ball on the right side in the penalty box and made a shot that was blocked by Orozco, however, the striker took the rebound and scored the goal of the victory.

Three minutes later Santos attacked and tried to draw the game, and after a corner kick, Hernández blocked a header made by Matheus Doria to get the first victory under the coaching of Leandro Cufré. The result hurts Santos’ chances of getting back on track for a spot in the Liga MX Liguilla as they remain two points behind Pachuca in the eight-spot but one more game played.

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